Cuba participates in videoconference on COVID-19 offered by Chinese province

It was a space where experts from that region detailed deeply the practices and the prevention and control mechanism implemented since last January, as well as the criteria followed to apply different therapies, including traditional Chinese medicine, Prensa Latina reported.

Cuba was represented by Doctors Yamira Palacios, head of the medical brigade in the territory, and Ileana Alvarez and Rafael Arocha, who have been in charge of the care of their nationals since the beginning of the health emergency.

Palacios told Prensa Latina that it was a very useful scientific exchange and was part of the actions carried out worldwide after the outbreak of the dangerous pneumonia, as evidence of the need to join forces against a great challenge.

For his part, Dr. Arocha commented that the meeting was an important platform for access to the methods followed for the care of those who suffer from an invasive pathology and that triggers a number of consequences in the human body.

During the videoconference, the hosts responded to questions and concerns from the invited countries.

The Cuban team was interested in knowing concrete measures to avoid a second wave of COVID-19 and the management of more serious cases with the so-called cytokine storms.



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