Nor has the fact that the realization and enjoyment of human rights continues to be an illusion for hundreds of millions of people in the world changed, when many human beings don’t have right to development, although 30 years ago a declaration on the matter was approved.
The huge gap between the richest and the rest of the population continues to increase, considered the Cuban representative.
In the international context, the diplomat recalled the conflicts that NATO carry out in the Middle East and Europe, causing destruction and death, as well as the emergence of forms of international terrorism never seen, which pose additional threats to peace and security, he said.
Although there are numerous international instruments, the same powerful countries that have signed them, in practice, intensify abuse and violation of human rights of hundreds of thousands of refugees, forced to flee their countries of origin as a result of conflicts that others stoked or of the exacerbation of poverty.
Rich nations present their views on democracy and governance as the only ones valid; and they try to give them supposedly universal scope, when in fact it is the exclusive right of only one part of humanity, considered Nunez.
The Cuban representative also referred to the countries that conceive the market, the multi-party system and the formulas of electoral alternation as the most accurate way and the paradigm of governance, while ignoring the fact that this should focus on the conduction of public affairs efficiently, people’s participation in decision-making and proper exercise of integrity and social justice.
In contrast to the bleak international prospect, the Cuban diplomat referred to the example that in terms of peace the historic decision of the leaders of Latin America and the Caribbean at the Second Summit of the CELAC, held in Havana in 2014, to proclaim to the region as a zone of peace, represents.
Nunez reiterated the support of Cuba of the cause of the Palestinian people and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the government and people of which deserve the widest international solidarity in their fight against destabilizing actions encouraged and supported from the outside.
He also expressed the island’s rejection of unilateral sanctions against Russia and reaffirmed the right of the Syrian people to find a dignified solution to their problems without external interference, and preserving its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Cuba strengthens its commitment to genuine international cooperation, based on the indivisibility of human rights, non-selectivity and non-politicization, he said.
With regard to the U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba, he said that the government of that country has acknowledged not only its failure as a policy, but also its negative impact on the exercise of human rights of the Cuban people.
We hope that the recent demonstrations of the highest authorities of that country of their interest in contributing to improving the lives of Cubans, have as their center to continue adopting measures that allow to actually realize the end of this harmful policy for Cubans and U.S. persons and lead to its final lifting, the Cuban diplomat stressed.
It is particularly important to proceed without delay to end the blockade that my country has suffered for more than five decades and that is the main violation of human rights of all Cubans, which remains intact. and the extraterritorial nature of which has been exacerbated by increasing sanctions for banks and financial institutions from third countries, with the purpose of intimidating them and eroding Cuba’s exchanges with other nations.
Finally, Nunez highlighted the willingness shown by Cuba to discuss the differences of views on human rights with any other party on the basis of equality, respect and reciprocity, without imposing any vision or accept that those of others are tried to be legitimated as the only ones valid.
We believe that the true commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights on a global scale should have as a starting point a genuine willingness to contribute to the realization of these rights, stripping them of political expediency, media manipulation, selective vision or double standards, he concluded.