Cuba: Soberana 02, Plus vaccines receive annual award in Belarus

Cuban Covid-19 vaccines Soberana 02 and Soberana Plus were awarded in Belarus the Grand Prize of the international business event Leader of the Year for their contribution to global combat against the pandemic.

According to Cuba’s ambassador in Minsk Santiago Pérez, the award recognizes the Cuban vaccines  which has safety and immunogenicity results in children, adults and senior citizens.

In statements to Prensa Latina, Idania Caballero, director of the representative office of the Cuban Biotechnological and Pharmaceutical Industries Group (BioCubaFarma) for the countries of the Eurasian Union, praised the award for the novelty of the immunogen’s innovation and its repercussion in other nations.

She also recalled that both vaccines were passed by the Center for Expertise and Testing of the Ministry of Health of the Eurasian country for their corresponding application in Belarus on July 27, making it the first country in Europe to register the Cuban candidates.

According to Cuban specialists, Soberna 02 vaccine is the first and only conjugated vaccine to be authorized for emergency use to treat Covid-19, especially designed for children.

Meanwhile, Soberna Plus is the first booster against Sars-Cov-2 officially authorized in the world for adult and children.

In this regard, scientists confirm the two candidates are the first immunogens to be used in a Childhood Vaccination Campaign against Covid-19 at a global level.



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