Cuba to train participants in international programming competition

The XIII Caribbean Training Camp for the International University Programming Competition (ICPC) will be held in Cuba from April 24 to May 6 this year, an official source confirmed.

According to the website of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, the training will be held at the campus of the University of Informatics Sciences.

Argentine, Mateo Carranza, a student of Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics and Computing of the National University of Cordoba and World Finalist in Russia 2021, Latin American Champion in Bangladesh 2022 and qualified for Egypt 2023, will act as head coach.

The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest or simply ICPC is an annual programming and algorithmic competition between universities around the world sponsored by International Business Machines (IBM).

It is an event organized by the Association for Computing Machinery, and emphasizes on teamwork, problem analysis and rapid software development.


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