The quake was felt in the coastal towns of Chivirico, Uvero and La Plata, as well as in the neighboring province of Granma.
Reports received from these localities announce damages in walls of houses and some schools, and partial losses of roofs. The damages still require verification by specialists from the National Seismological Research Center (CENAIS by its Spanish acronym) and Civil Defense personnel.
PhD. Vladimir Moreno, CENAIS director, noted that this entity has a network that groups 18 seismic stations, currently operating in the country with very reliable high-tech equipment, which can register very small local events, or even those with a magnitude higher than 6 anywhere in the world.
When updating Cuban seismic behavior, he pointed out that last year there were 60 perceptible earth movements, mainly in the south east region, whereas in this January there have been four others so far.