Among the projects is the joint work of the territory’s Meteorology Center and 30 campesinos –collaborators- that are looking to adapt agriculture to the effects of climate change, which include the publication of an information bulletin on the different phases of the moon, the behavior of the rain and solar radiation among other issues.

Meteorology Institute in Las Tunas Province Investigate Climate Change
The Director of the scientific institution, Eberto Estrada, was reported saying that meteorologists also participate in research projects on the incidence of climate change in the propagation of species of exotic invading plants, an integrated management system of satellite information for the analysis of the most affected regions caused by forest fires.
It also includes work for the improvement of an early warning system, thanks to the action plan for the Caribbean of the Preparation Program before Natural Disasters of the Humanitarian Aid of the European Commission.
The meteorological studies of the province have improved in recent years through the computerization of the system of data reception and the installation of automatic stations to evaluate variation of climate in the vulnerable areas.
The increase of the average temperature and natural phenomenon, the falling back of the coastal line and the reduction of rain –one thousand 038 millimeters as yearly average-, are evidence of the effects of climate change in Las Tunas.
The Executive Council of the World Meteorology Organization has installed Meteorology Day with the objective of educating the population on the importance of the climate.