Over 70 thousand minors have got the Coronavirus in Cuba

The information was released Friday by Doctor Lissette Lopez, who heads the National Pediatrics Group. She alerted that in the case of small kids and adolescents their main infection source is their home environment.

In order to prove the high level of contagion in this population sector, the specialist made a comparison to year 2020 and said that while one thousand 563 cases are being reported today, only three pediatric cases were reported in similar date last year.

In the first week of August 2020 only seven minors were diagnosed with COVID-19 in two Cuban provinces; while in 2021 the figure went beyond six thousand in all the national territory.

The expert reiterated the important role to be played by families to avoid the transmission of the virus to the children. Relatives must avoid visits at home, not going out with the kids, and when they have to go out with them they must adopt all safety measures, the expert noted.



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