These sessions are an exercise in analysis and reflection on the needs and demands of the community, problems that exist, as well as offering a space for (self) criticism as regards solutions that delegates implement in their respective consistencies.
More than 66,600 meetings of this type will be held throughout Cuba through December 30, during which the simple act of raising one’s hand will represent the conscious and explicit will of citizens to express opinions, criticize, or inquire about their immediate environment and perspectives for its development. Thus, the meetings with delegates serve as platforms for public discussion and debate, and above all, a compass that indicates the direction, the pace of changes, and popular thinking across the nation.
This time, the process is taking place in the context of commemorations for the 40th anniversary of People’s Power bodies and the lead-up to general elections next year.
In line with the concept advocated – regarding the empowerment of citizens, especially younger generations, in the spaces of social participation – once again activists, young people and students of higher and pre-university education will join the process. Their presence will not only provide them with greater knowledge about our political and institutional system, but will allow them to contribute ideas and evaluate, based on practice, one of the unique elements of democracy in Cuba: the delegate’s accountability report to his or her constituents.
The prior training of people’s representatives, guided by municipal assembly leaderships, is one of the factors contributing to the success of this process. However, the constant and consistent work of the delegate does not result in solutions and satisfactions without the relevant intervention on the part of the institutions implicated in the problems raised, and of voters themselves, since the community, united, is the greatest democratic force.