Cuba Radio Novel reflects male homosexuality and AIDS

Male Homosexuality: Battle with sexual preferences

German’s conflict is inside his mind; he tries to conceal his homosexual preference by means of cruel homophobe. Actually, he had been harassed by another man at a scholarship, and he was having frequent nightmares due to this event from his past life, which it seemed to be forgotten. Violeta, his mother made him to see a philologist, although she really thought that her song was victim of damage and he must be seen from religious point of view.

The family received at home a craftsman young man from the province of Matanzas, who needed a rent. Since then, a friendship-attraction relation between them came up, meanwhile German persist on behaving like a macho man before other people.

German’s mother, Violeta has also a conflict. This widow woman dedicates her life to rise and over protect his “little German”, but she refuses to admit she is interest in a man for considering it sinful.
Both German and Violeta are part of repressed sexuality. They do not show tolerance and understanding to face their necessities of affection; even in the context of son-mother relation.

In the case of homosexual relation, it is reflected with dignity, and with all respect towards this kind of sexual preference, since it is about pure love, just love.

Moreover, other current problems of the Cuban society are faced such us economic situation of those who do not consider themselves part of society or have private jobs compared to others that honestly work, but live with economic limitations; religious  customs, part of many people’s lives nowadays; and national campaign to raise awareness about sexual protection against AIDS and STD.

According to the title of the radio novel, “Navegando a la deriva” is part of a song by “Buena Fe” duet, which was chosen as the main song for the novel, with a version of music produced by Nancy Cabrera.
This novel was produced by Radio Arte station, with the collaboration of L. Lahera and directed by L. Moreira. It shows that it is possible to reflect the current situation in Cuba, and use poetic language from fiction genre as well as humanism. Despite the thorny issue, there is finally an encouraging hope about the power of love; an aim that is always successfully achieved by the magic of Radio.



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