“I started to work at the radio in 1968, in August. I had heard of an announcement on the radio, a media that always attracted me and still does. “
“I finished working there in 2010 due to health reasons. This way, I gave some young people the chance to take on my job, for him or her to develop. So, I decided to retire. “
Martinez continued recalling and confessed with a mixture of pride and regret:
“Directing was what attracted me and I did the most. Anyway, I must say with pride that there was a program called “En ambiente juvenil” that had a great influence on me. I started to work there with very young people like you, who had no experience on the radio, but it trained me and helped me to train them. It was a great experience to see how those young people were able to work hard for the listeners, who always deserve a good radio product.
“After that, I directed Cuban soaps for a long time. Within the drama section the program that marked me a lot was “Guardia Operativa”, which is still ranked the highest.”
What does Radio Cadena Agramonte station mean for you? – I asked, and after a pause he replied:
“I learned to love the radio since I was a boy, when I had no thought about working there. Then, as a radio worker, I had another reason to love it even more. Although not all living moments were happy, I felt much satisfaction working at the Radio Cadena Agramonte station. It is in my heart, in my mind .