A report properly and promptly written is crucial for the good journalistic work, especially in the case of the radio, since this media requires an immediate an effective communication. Written information is the way through which the journalists present the data compiled.
Within research, there are two important steps to make: obtaining and assessment of the information.
The best journalistic research could turn into a useless work if the report to be delivered is not properly drawn up.
Well-written information usually matches with the good journalist; however a bad report not always indicates that it has been written by a bad journalist, but he has not been capable of writing his thoughts in a clear way. Moreover, there are journalists that are very communicators at speaking but they do not like to write. The fact that a journalist is not able to write information, in a correct way, that become him the wrong professional to perform certain functions at the media.
Journalism of research has more positives characteristics than bad characteristics, since it helps to develop the process of information for it can be more accuracy, by means of the existence of new forms of article and other journalistic ways that have been designed to inform, analyze the causes and consequences of events, as well as those who play the main roles other details, hence the importance for the professionals from the media to master the research techniques of social communication,
which make the information be more accessible at the media.
The journalists who assume this responsibility, away from the traditional ways, should know how to choose the subjects of more complexity they want to deal with, and also how to use methods and techniques of the research in regarding to the source of information as well as the implementation of the various ways to get what you want from the wide possibilities of the direct, open or covered observation to the searching to provide useful data.
The research is not always the result of individual effort, even when research interests are shared between two or three professionals. The quality and effectiveness of the work can be satisfactory, as long as exists awareness of teamwork. Certainly, the organization of collective projects in search of information must be led by the editorial and media executives, who really know the peculiarities of each journalist.
According to experts, the searching of data is also positive for the professional development of journalists, as an individual or working in team, as that favor initiatives and provide skills to solve new issues or aspects occasionally unknown.
Research provides strategies of work in terms of editorial policy and fulfillment of plans that usually indicate advertising campaigns. That contributes to a conception of work more comprehensive and strategic with the sources of information and further results, through different or set of journalistic works.
In addition, it is a valid proposal that constitutes not only the effective search of information but also the professional training before each event to be researched, from the selection of complex issues, content, purpose, objectivity, comprehensive, strategic and scientific approach to the code of ethics for the journalists.