The radio report a necessary film

The story emerged thanks to the common life and the ability of journalists to meet with the facts. Facilitates the search for gender development is inconceivable without the presence of chronic, interview, commentary and information. Merging all these forms into one makes the report in the appropriate way to provide effective communication products. Does it work? Yes, but the reward is higher.

The advantages of the report is the possible spread in any part of radio programming, not only in newsreels and magazines, also in varied cutting programs or music, with the advent of Internet a radio report is the basis for conducting a short video embedded in WebPages or graphic personal blog with pictures of the events described or others to be associated. This genus by the radio-documentary is the root for realizations of multimedia communication as integral support.

There are many ways to do a story like journalists exist independently of the ABC and explained. Part of the news is usually obtained from a witness or an interview. Find the right music, instrumental or sung to participate further in the consolidation of the text or content is of the highest order.

A story must have at least one curtain is used as the melodic thread or transition of scenes, because gender is so close to a movie that has the same steps of clearing a movie. If today are few reports on the radio has to do more for the professional laziness than anything else.

It is inconceivable conducting an interview without making a technical script. This genre as others needs a previous design, which serves as a guide to build a house. The plan of the final product of what is to be achieved has to be displayed before the author, the same way as an architect draws. Although there are more risky than performing this step on the progress of the issue and do so because in his mind had seen the finished product. Anyway, the build a rundown speaks volumes about the competence of the journalist as a story as other genres can not be improvised, not invented, does not come from nothing is created.  

The purpose of the report lies in presenting the listener a finished product from the standpoint of journalism and communication to substantiate the main aspects of the investigation from a source and then contrasted with other, so that the truth is the kind of elegance wrapped with the ethics of professional radio.

Both experienced and rookie journalist reporter found in the report the various texts that contain extensive information born of his own effort: research, an art in journalism, just a science whose secrets can be discovered based on the continued implementation task skills of radio, listening time of the samples and to return to the scene to see in detail the processes originating the news.  

An interview is also the result of a training fee, which starts in the collection of materials and finishes later, not only to put on the air, the conclusion is located further away when the recipient accepts or rejects public works, the own sources or repel assimilate the content, ultimately evaluating the consequences shown in the result of the impact of the materials developed.




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