The Research and the documentary in the radio

But the fear of its sharpness as an interviewer, reporter and radio announcer, disappeared before a modest, sensitive, humane and simple person. And that is Mabel Ponce de León Hernández; a journalist from Holguin has dedicated part of her life to the radio in her “beloved ” Radio Hoguin.

Mabel, and tell all your colleagues, studied at the Cuban Institute of Arts ( ISA ) where she graduated in Direction of Film, Radio and Television and has since continued his work as a radio announcer at the local radio station in Hoguin .

” And there came the opportunity to get started in journalism , a profession that called my attention until present days and that I will not let go ,” said Mabel while commenting that ” sometimes I wonder why I do not address my answer is always the same , I do I address, but from the same journalism. “

Mabel currently works as Chief Information Radio Havana, but it is linked to his life as an active reporter, so much so that in the course of the conversation his work as documentary went documentary maker and her tireless work and attachment for investigative journalism.

And documentary research, two issues that undoubtedly kept these separate days of journalism and Radio in its entirety, however, Mabel Ponce de León Hernández bet for them.

“Journalism linked primarily to research in depth topical treatment difficult perhaps from the media point of view, but without a doubt, looking good edges and properly organizing the investigation, the result will always be well received by the public in general, “says Mabel.

Facing a way to do some actual journalism appellant in this Cuban Radio producer assumed a greater effort each day but Mabel says ” do journalism from the bottom of my soul and with love, maybe you can open my wallet and only meet with 20 Cuban pesos, but that is not the issue, for me the most important is that the products reach adolescents, family or the general population. “

“Certainly the research requires a lot of effort, but that work cannot be converted into a weight, on the contrary, must be loved, to know that you’re rising daily to write, to seek, to do. Maybe you travel from place to place with your own resources to investigate, to know about your topic, but you cannot think that economics is more important. As any Cuban woman, I had to face life , in my case , alone and with a son who is now a teenager, but I searched ways to take my life in my home very well, because everything I do it for love and with love , for those listeners , those people who are waiting and listening issues that are difficult to treat, but they always have an answer, a conclusion, ” explained excited Mabel Ponce de León Hernández .

In a 15 minute interview Mabel proved to be a tireless fighter to achieve their professional goals and those goals journalistic plotted to meet, but mostly, outlined an example of journalist worthy of admiration in the Cuban Radio.

“I can assure you I’ve never had that “obstacles “that in many cases we build journalists in addressing a topic. Fortunately, in my case, I have always had the approval of the director of my station. But I keep recognizing that another major enemies having investigative journalism today in our country is the factor “time” but I can assure you that with planning and interest all done.

Life is difficult and for a radio journalist, in my case I also assume the management of the group ‘s press Radio Havana, among other functions, but I think there is a time for everything, the question is to organize and prioritize , besides knowing the mission as journalists have a task that goes beyond reporting because it can also make you think , and all that leads to an investigation, to a forthcoming product that is nice to have an effect from the drama. “

Inspired by the unconditional love for her profession and her creative work, Mabel insisted that “investigative journalism can encourage more from their own careers in journalism, and to win in the best professional practices , also in the radial realization.”

“Often students arrive in their haste to make a documentary in three days, when we all know that this kind of time needed to research design, because to reach a conclusion of an investigation with scientific, not done from one day to another, on the contrary, leads the implementation of all journalistic and research to be truly reliable techniques, “she said.

This year Mabel Ponce de León Hernández has big dreams in his publication of a copy under the title of ” Souls ” , one of his research led to the literature and with the participation of José Juan Ortiz , former representative of the International Fund Emergency UN Children’s Fund ( UNICEF) in Cuba and Dr. Isabel Moya , who have broad participation and gender analysis .

Translated by: Daysi Olano



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