Humans rights as respected and as battered

When talking about human rights, and is done without sterile chauvinism, I cannot escape to say with healthy pride, that Cuba has worked-and worked tenaciously-to increase the material and spiritual people being, and this without sacrificing to our unwavering commitment to solidarity with other peoples, regardless of distances and even without necessarily have the same system of government.

It is not possible in a short space to relate the achievements of Cuba’s human rights. However, only one of these accomplishments can, alone, speak aloud real humanism we hold and defend. I mean the Cuban health system, one of the fundamental human rights. I will not discuss its structure and organization, but from their flat on a truly humanistic conception and is internationally recognized results.

Here is a summary of recently issued statements that Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of the World Health Organization, and we know that the media and U.S. agencies or flirt with the empire eradicated their media coverage.

“Cuba is not only committed to the health of its people, but to the region and other parts of the world, thanks to the solidarity expressed”; “It’s a country that sends many of its doctors to work abroad, and prepares physicians from other countries to help countries that require it; even those in dire need do for free. “
About preparing to Cuba offers young people from many nations, including the United States, he said. “You cannot forget that medical education is very expensive in many countries, and the fact that this country gives this generous, supportive and free training for those who need it is an incredible commitment to the world.”

Many other virtues recognized, but one of them that you cannot ignore, “can not be denied treatment because of cost. Accessibility to quality health care is a human right, and Cuba believes in that. He does it for his people and for many other peoples in solidarity”

That’s when one wonders: The country of wars, inequalities, extermination and sophisticated drones of death can he get even one of these ratings, when you consider that back in the powerful northern nation health not it is a human right, but a online business.

Translated by: Daysi Olano



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