In their declarations Moises and Carlos denounced their real links with the notorious enemies of the Cuban people and its Revolution and pointed out how the denominated “Ladies in White”, and the “Independent Journalists” as well as the rest of the splinter groups do not defend any interest other than the money they receive from the United States and the possibility of leaving the country which make them into enemies of the cause of the Cuban people and lackeys loyal to the plans of a enemy power.
Juventud Rebelde newspaper published an interview with Serpa, an undercover agent as an “independent journalist” and spokesman of the Ladies in White, he was really the agent Emilio since 2001, which details how the dissident group is created in the island from which several terrorist personalities without any moral for their statements make a profit.
Serpa also explained how the running of the Office of Interests of the United States in Havana responds to the interests of these mercenaries and described this institution as it
main shelter, although he stressed that some other embassies openly support the subversion.
The Cuban agent mentioned Jacek Padee, who was in charge of Poland’s political affairs; Pete Brandel, from the Czech Republic; Volker Pellet, a German embassy counselor as well as the representatives of Holland and Switzerland.
Sepa gave details of the participation of the mafia groups, the Cuban-American National Foundation, Horacio Salvador Garcia member of the Cuban Liberty Council and Angel Pablo Polanco, a promoter of the counterrevolutionary project.
“I am a dissident made in the U.S. My case is an example of how it is possible to make believe abroad there is a ‘large’ opposition and a proliferation of the ‘anti-castro’ groups, as they used to call them, reported Serpa to Juventud Rebelde.
He stressed as another relevant viewpoint the unity of the Cuban people with Fidel, Raul and the battle of ideas which have defended, which constitute the strength of the Cuban Revolution.
All the enemies of the Revolution, at home and abroad, do not learn from our attitudes, because there will always be someone like Emilio, who was received with a warm welcoming in his birthplace in Nueva Gerona, Isle of Youth.
The chapter of the television serial Las Razones de Cuba gave proof of the cynicism and cruelty of the servants of the empire who were also rejected by the young people of the capital city in declarations to the morning newspaper, and expressed their rejection of the mercenaries and their admiration of the will of Carlos and Moises.
Emilio Riaño San Marful, professor of the University of Havana, condemned the role of those who respond to the interests of a foreign power and his admiration and gratitude for the organs of the State Security.
Maricarla de la Vega, fifth year -student of Psychology stated that is important that the Cuban people know the truth about these cases, in particular those who defend the Revolution from within the enemy.
Lissette Martinez, student of Telecommunication Engineering, when commenting the impact of the program, told the newspaper: we have to continue being the Cubans we are with our joy and happiness.
Enrique Mila, a student of the Regular Course of Athletes of the University of Sciences of Physical Culture and Sports stated that our battle of ideas continues, in very complex ideological issue and recalled the words of Che that the Revolution is not in our lips for living off it, but in the heart to die for it.
Translated by: Daysi Olano