Precisions in the use of telecommunications and radio-electric space (+ Video)

Wilfredo López, director of regulations at the Ministry of Communications explained that Decree 42 : General Regulation of Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies establishes the obligations of operators and providers.


Likewise, it updates on violations in using the radio-electric space, in addition to the fact that the inspectors appointed by MINCOM (acronyms for Ministry of Communications)  are empowered to impose the fines.


This norm establishes that the owner of a private network must hold a license for operations when connecting to a public network, making use of the radio-electric spectrum or extending the infrastructure outside the limits of his/her property.


Regulating with sovereignty the radio-electric spectrum


Upon the coming forth of Decree 43 on the use of the radio- electric spectrum, MINCOM implements functions of control and supervision over the use of the country’s radio- electric spectrum.


Wilfredo López, director for regulations of the agency, stressed that the process is carried out through monitoring, technical verification of radio- electric emissions and on-site inspection of radio stations, equipment, devices, installations, or any other.


Users of the radio spectrum must observe the necessary measures to prevent harmful interference between radio-communication services.


In general, Decree Law 35 serves to promote the development and modernization of telecommunications infrastructures with emphasis on broadband and broadcasting services.




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