Radio and breaking news

As a means of dissemination and technology channel beat the test of time despite other seductive inventions. The answer to this is sustaining functionality and sense of being: it is an accessible media; relatively inexpensive when generating its products; long-range and immediate. With few resources and radius becomes accessible to a distant geography.

Television and the Internet also have achieved higher economic cost to those developing their communication products and, further, to the public. Unfortunately not all people, regardless of the level of local or regional development, own computers or resources to afford the home Internet access. Instead the humblest, and even marginalized section humans, can have a radio.

On the other hand we witness the extinction of much international shortwave broadcasts, reduced many times by economic cuts and other political calculations – keep in mind that the radio was often a means of political penetration and economic domination by most developed countries – based on very specific interests. If a “before” he was seized by imperial powers, today set aside for inappropriate considering for certain purposes. That radio capable of projecting from one country to distant points, there are also examples as drivers of a knowledge culture and solidarity.

Directed to the outer radius is based on the work of translators, departments by geographical implying higher than the community, local and national radios cost. It is true that shortwave is at a disadvantage compared with digital frequency modulated sounds; encouragingly, however, that world is working towards a long-range digital radio capable of supplying shortwave, providing better sound quality.

By addressing another aspect of reality, radio faces new challenges from a greater commitment to their age, with all that spreads and how it is able to do so. Do not lose perspective that a radio station is an institution mirror the values of their homes; therefore be manifested as an objective expression of their social reality. Never should subject the community, local, national and regional sake of a supposed universality that far from me be, relegate the best of musical heritage.

The radio is faced with this and many challenges. The first problem manifest as half of their time at the same time strengthens, broadens and strengthens their ties with their audience for assuming a true co-star status.

I hope that reading serves the purposes of those who love and recognize the validity of the radio address, its possibilities and limits. The radius of our time inherited a worthwhile endeavor which gave continuity and new contributions. This does not mean that we advocate a old old radio “style”; for which not enough to change the speech and talk about new things. We need to recognize that many formats and genres need to be modified some and rejected others. The radio survives, but must adapt to new realities.

Do not forget that the radio, like everything else, is serving a mission in each stage. In capitalist radio and prevailed in its monopoly stage programming that today might be called “kitsch”; dramatizes his time enabled a simplistic and sometimes tearful, on the knowledge of the audience allowed many advertisers market positioning radio.

Times are as different and not the same audience, the general culture should be attractive radial products resulting qualitatively superior – do not say better – just in correspondence with the current reality, in this world of portable audio players, the Internet and digital television.

Sustaining genres and unfashionable products is also an anachronism, a heavy burden for a radio that needs to invest their budgets in the best way. Imitate radio yesterday literally – it be in form or content – is the best way to betray.

Another need of the current radius is having critics; TV and movies have it, but not the radio, at least so palpable be felt. They are usually own the radio stations in charge of self-critically focus their work. Although worth recognizing merit, that kind of criticism from within is not enough.

Most often lacks objectivity be based on their own criteria and in taste or partial acceptance of the radio audience; ie those writing, phoning, respond cold survey questions, or otherwise participate, mainly dedicated to greet and pleasing musical requests, still have sympathies or personal apathy programs.

In short, your condition – like it or not – would be the lack of objectivity. Healthy criticism should come from outside, by a qualified staff without this public input should be rejected. We must not confuse taste with quality, hopefully other match.

Rather than causing conflicting opinions expressed here leading to an honest debate rather than indifference. If so, it’s gain.



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