Radio Cubitas with a programming of these times these times

The impact at that stage was decisive as represented in the young people that are inserted to the work of the study and the field. A period was accompanied by laurels and distinctions that warranted the efforts of a determined young force to make history.

As station tempered in a historical moment in 1994 moves toward a second stage in which it becomes a municipal radio station this time with a community profile in which emissions are addressed to reflect the feeling of the people in the economic, political and social order.

Such challenge became in turn commitment of 37 workers at the Municipal Radio Station also integrated by a young force.

In its 14 -hour broadcast of the mission remain increasingly reflect the environment of those who work the land, save lives, and educated in the formation of values.

The criterion of several workers Cubitas Radio Broadcast become obvious attachment and loves all of them for being on the preference of the people during these 33 years.

The young Yudit Noda Diaz , program director , and secretary of the union section ensures feel satisfaction commitment today has with the audience and especially the impact of these 33 years are nothing but the continuation of work that began precisely with youth.

Yurkenia Rivera Morales, an announcer recalls his early interest from circles as very important in their training and that allows you to be always concerned about overcoming which never ends in a professional.

Iván Martínez Miranda, young, sound director, says that precisely his graduation thesis was supported by the History of Radio in the territory so proud to be manifested at the quarry to help new novel anniversaries always with vigor.

Jorge Ochoa Pantoja, founder and program director of the station, its experience from the student radio station known to this day and ensures that at all times there was a purpose, which has always been linked to the quality and the reflection of life in Cubitas terroir belonging to the province of Camagüey.

Pedro Alexander Cruz Moiset , director of the Municipal Issuer acknowledges in each of the priorities of the program increased the critical approach to journalism in order to contribute to the improvement and resolution of the main concerns today is the Cubitas population.

To this must be added the great challenge of Radio Cubitas to offer its listeners a programming tempered these times when updating the economic model requires daily popular participation in tasks that contribute to the improvement of society.

Each of us, says Pedro Alexander Cruz, with our recommendations and suggestions to bring the radio continue to share joys and hopes in a carrier scheduling high political virtues, ideological, social, ethical long for knowledge and wisdom.

Translated by: Daysi Olano




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