CELAC captures headlines

In Cuba radio stations echoed in social networks what happened under the #CelacEsPatriaGrande and #Celac hashtags. For example, the Queen Radial Center, Villa Clara, reflected in its corporate Twitter account (EmisoraCMHW) interventions leaders as follows:

EmisoraCMHW: #CELAC Rafael Correa: “The challenge of our ancestral peoples to overcome poverty without losing their identity.”

For its part, Radio Rebelde had reports journalist Angelica Paredes, who from the headquarters of UNASUR, updated to the Cuban Radio on the Political Declaration and the Plan of Action of the 2016 CELAC, and 26 special declarations agreed within the framework of the meeting.

The multinational channel Telesur also gave wide coverage to the Fourth Summit of the CELAC. Are featured on their website, among other times, the words of the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, saying that the main strength of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) is the union of nations on the ideological and political diversity.

For its part, the Public News Agency of Ecuador and South America highlighted the way the dignitaries attending the Summit agreed that poverty reduction becomes a priority for the CELAC.

Thanking Cuba to Latin America and the Caribbean for the solidarity shown before their just causes it was reflected by the agency Prensa Latina to the full the speech of Miguel Diaz-Canel, first vice president of the Councils of State and Ministers the Greater Antilles.

Similarly, hereby releases and other as Cubadebate, highlighted how since CELAC was asked to lift the blockade imposed by the United States to Cuba and return of the Guantanamo naval base.

Internet users also joined the social networks to show support for the regional group as well as to remind two protagonists of the CELAC.

Francisco AmeliachAmeliachPSUV: #CELACEsPatriaGrande giant Chavez and Nestor Kirchner pushed the initiative of Latin American integration.

The media were also aware of other incidents, such as happened to Chilean President Michelle Bachelet. Trade, of Ecuador, calmed the anxiety of curious after seeing the security of the president that covered the crystals fall.

Bachelet received a rose that gave him a team of an Ecuadorian news channel, but now all the press that was in place he came to take pictures and get Bachelet statements. The glass gave way and broke into pieces.

“Apparently, and reactions, the Chilean president, did not suffer any injury. After that everyone went to the Chamber to continue the Summit,” says the newspaper.

In general, the summit had positive results and became the perfect place to remember the strengths of CELAC and how from the integration can boost the development stage of our America.

@ VTVcanal8: #CelacEsPatriaGrande || “Care for the respect between governments and countries to reign the union in our community.

Translated by: Daysi Olano Fernandez



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