# CubaRadio93: From RHC Cadena Azul to CNC Reloj from Cuba (IV)

Years passed and when declared the bankruptcy of Cadena Azul, in the early 50s, was a few months Gaspar Pumarejo, trying to infuse breath of fresh air and although it was impossible, I tried: he changed the name and named Chain Blue Cuba. He planned then transmitted from the interior.

For example, from Camagüey a newsletter was sent. But that did not walk. The complete bankruptcy of the company occurs. Debacle which led to tragic end, the suicide of Amado Trinidad.

Logically, the dispossession of the radio company, quickly found willing and deep pockets. Everything moved in haste and shady dealings. Everything is tuned.

Allegedly by “legal” issues, the letters of the two stations that had been owned by Amado Trinidad, as we have said is changed. Both frequencies are reversed. The ultimate goal: to fire all workers Cadena Azul. All a ruse, as we had already announced.

The lyrics of the Red Chain took a new station that was born as a result of all these strange maneuvers: the CNC (Cuban National Circuit) Watch Cuba, now with the frequency of 590 kls, ancient Blue Chain. And this, recipient of the letters CMCY, since it was called “Radio Siboney, Indian voice” often kls 550.

We reiterate that the determining, from the legal point of view, are assigned letters.

It is not difficult to conclude why adopted this name. Recall that Batista called him El Indio.
At the end of these movements, the local radio station Cadena Roja, became national and national Cadena Azul, local, with a logical leave most of their workers. This occurred around the year 1954.

Undoubtedly, to air with new voices, voices at least not known nationally and also must take into account the wages paid in the Blue Chain, were high; Surely, that was not intended to pay the new company, even though it meant an increase from the previous very low wages of the Red Chain.

I repeat: born a new radio company, the CNC, with the surname Reloj from Cuba w because of 5-10 in the morning he conveyed a Radio Reloj and 10 to 12 at night. At that time the current Radio Reloj was not a national, was part of the Oriental Radio. He came to be after the Revolution of 1959.

Translated by: Daysi Olano Fernandez



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