Martí reborn every second of our national life

One such occasion was in 1953 when Fidel, Raul and the youth group that accompanied them were involved in the assault on the Moncada barracks. That morning José Martí was reborn multiplied at each new soldier of freedom, restarting the war unfinished by the country’s independence.

The birth of a human being is always causing for celebration. By natural law born once, whereas moral law, ideals and reason can – and we need – birth many times.

Martí was reborn the year of its centennial, to be plucked from oblivion his memory and his ideas intentional sleight redeemed by those who sought to manipulate leveraging their legacy. From the Moncada and until today Cuba has returned to have the presence of Martí through his teachings, conduct and example.

At this historical situation we commemorate 162 years incorporeal existence   but real, possible existence by updating your thinking. Born right in the middle of the nineteenth century, now in the XXI worth thinking about how to preserve and transmit their heritage to future generations.

Remember and honor the memory of the Apostle cannot be limited to emotional evocation of our most illustrious compatriot. Not just limit ourselves to recall what he wrote, said and did as far as offering his own life; need much more: Marti born daily in each of us, not simply as remembrance, but embodied in our way of thinking and every day doing. This is important to continue the study of his work, reasoning how he acted in each new circumstance.

No one questions how much remains in the Latin American and solidarity vocation of Cubans, in their willingness to make huge sacrifices even in the confines sections of the planet. There are numerous examples of heroism – some known, others anonymous – ensuring Marti’s presence. Still not enough. There are simple heroism that are sometimes so difficult as the great deeds; Life can be delivered once made laudable, but sometimes costs more to deliver that little by little life in daily life for nothing apparent reward just for having the knowledge that is done right. These supposedly small attitudes make Martí reborn in each of us.

Only then can we ensure that the same did not die in his centenary year thanks to Fidel, Raul and Moncada events youth, also reborn with unstoppable force every second of our national life.

Translated by: Daysi Olano Fernandez



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