They are predatory media, heirs of the hatred of capitalism towards the human species, faithful to their paradigm of divinity: the holy money that lubricates their subversive discourse, to thus bring day by day the doses of false news through an aggressive, murky, and manipulative discourse, to which a bit of post-apocalyptic truth is added.
As if predicting the arrival of the antichrist, they live abreast of any man or woman who pronounces the word socialism, progressivism, social programs, in short, anyone who speaks of their own model of development that falls beyond the framework of capitalism, especially US imperialism, its home, and temple.
Curious about these media is the fact that they sell out in two ways, first to the service of the wealthiest and then as defenders of the most humble, in their particular case, the people of Cuba. They are executioners and priests at the same time and modern inquisitors of the Empire while preaching the divine word of the Lord Money.
No need to be a genius to understand that when a media receives money from foreign governments, intelligence agencies, alleged non-governmental organizations, it becomes one more worker of those companies, therefore, it is bound to work according to the interests of whoever is paying or financing it. How are these media then supposed to represent the interests of the people?
How can the people believe that such media represent their interests? However, one thing is true: these media indeed need the people, the humble and hardworking people, the ordinary citizen who day by day faces the hardships caused by the blockade imposed by the same people who pay them at the end of the month. Average people have to realize that if the blockade did not exist if Cubans could enjoy what anyone else enjoys anywhere in the world if they had their basic needs covered, these parasitic media would disappear.
The truth is that they are an extension of the origin of all the social problems that Cubans suffer. But it is not only that, they depend in the first place on people’s own misfortune, a misfortune that feeds their pockets, their stomachs, and their discursive creativity. What media are we talking about? In my opinion, the names themselves are not as relevant as being aware that behind their logo, which could well mask true intentions, hidden nests of subversion are concealed.
They are namely and just to mention a few: ADN / Cuba, CiberCuba, Cuba Cute, El Estornudo. Taking ADN / Cuba as an example and relating the events that took place in Cuba to the famous protests in front of the Ministry of Culture on January 27, 2021, Nelson Julio Alvarez Mairata reporter for ADN Cuba publicly acknowledged having received between 150 and 200 dollars to cover the protest developed in front of the ministry itself. According to the Cuba Money Project site, ADN Cuba, which is administered from the United States, received the sum of $ 410,710 last year through USAID. These funds are administered by the Office of Cuban Affairs at USAID, directed by Rebecca Demar, who guarantees that Gelet Fragela, Director of DNA, and Yaima Pardo la Red, Director of Multimedia, receive the considerable sums of money, which later is distributed among their reporters and collaborators. (Taken from CubaDebate)
This is how these media operate from the shadows, they share the cake among them, and distribute the crumbs among their collaborators, although if you consider this from another point of view, they are all hungry piranhas who are capable of inventing any fallacious argument as long as they receive their fees. From the United States come the orders, the money, the political support, even the lines of messages with which they have to make up their horror or science fiction stories. Sadly, there are a few that are “confused”, and gibe faith to any kind of story coming from these media.
The government, using a more than transparent discourse, has repeatedly alerted the population, showing existing evidence, from the logic of the facts, but the confusion seems to have taken a path towards some kind of highly contagious disease, perhaps more contagious than the new strains of Sars-Cov-2.
What type of vaccine will cure that confusion? One that has lasted too long in part of our society. It is undoubtedly a pending task: a multidisciplinary analysis of the new phenomena that Cuban society faces in this post-communicative era.