A battle to keep the planet alive

But still the world is determined to keep the planet alive. Projects, research and a host of actions are put into practice to prevent the disappearance of the species.

One of these initiatives is the International Tourism and Nature Event (Turnat 2021) which in this edition will have among its attractions the province of Mayabeque.

Participants will be organized into ten groups: Hiking, Horseback Riding, Adventure and Aerial Sports, Motorbike-Buggy, Mountain Bike, Bird watching, Fishing, Diving, Nautical and Rural Tourism.

Another point of view of the Cuban State is the work of protection of flora and fauna, taking into account the importance of our country for the conservation of biodiversity in the Caribbean area.

Cuba has institutions that carry out projects and programs, many of which begin at an early stage, in primary education, and others that involve not only young people and the elderly, but also senior citizens.

In general, there is an effort so that each citizen is increasingly educated in environmental matters.

World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution of December 15, 1972 with which the Stockholm Conference, Sweden, began, whose central theme was Environment.



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