Cuba for the good of all

We have all experienced firsthand the difficulties that have emerged so far this year, among them the financial and commercial siege, which is fundamentally focused on preventing the arrival of fuel and essential raw materials required for the normal functioning of all sectors of the national economy.

Amidst such a complex situation, our Government is firmly given into assuming the implementation of the necessary economic transformations that the vast majority of the Cuban people have proposed through democratic assemblies, and which were later endorsed in our current Magna Carta, approved by free, direct and secret vote.

The current and medium-term circumstances are very complex, but they will not prevent the country from carrying out its economic updating process, which will always redound to the good of the nation and to raise the standard of living of each citizen of this country.

The Cuban President and Prime Minister addressed the country with absolute transparency and thoroughly detailed the current problems, as well as the ways to each of the solutions.

Cubans learned what the new normality is – in relation to the coronavirus – and the importance of personal responsibility.

Cuban authorities have explained about the readjustments needed in each of the Covid-19 phases, of the huge efforts unfolded by the State to preserve the health of the people and, at the same time, about the need for each and every one of us to be protagonists in this fight for our health.

Regarding the economy, the urgency of monetary unification was ratified as premise for economic health, the most effective control of accounting and with it the application of specific solutions in the business sector.

Once again it became clear that the socialist state enterprise, the cooperative sector and self-employed workers, as decisive complementary elements, are bound to operate coordinately in order to develop and increase exports, which constitute the main source of income for new investments and improving the quality of life of the Cuban people.

Cuba has managed to contain the advance of the Covid-19 pandemic and is one of the few countries with a low rate of infections and deaths.

Time has come for us to join in actions, with discipline and fully mature. In Cuba, no one has ever been nor will never be abandoned. We have no need for “shock therapies” because a neoliberal system has nothing to do with our ways to development.

Cuba continues on, its march forward is relentless, now advancing to conquer and empower its economy, for the good of all.



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