Cuban Questions Remain Unanswered by U.S. at United Nations

But Washington seems to show more interest in criticizing others instead of minding its own affairs and the eve, organized an event in the hall of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (Ecosoc) to launch a campaign against Cuba.

Even if she was forbidden to speak and her microphone was silenced, Cuban permanent representative in the UN, Anayansi Rodriguez, lifted her voice to question the legitimacy of the event ‘that never should have been allowed in the UN building, as its objective was to attack a member state’.

That is why she said outloud in the Ecosoc Hall, that it is lamentable that the secretary of the United Nations allowed itself to become participant of a politically motivated exercise against one of its member countries of the multilateral organization.

The fact that its headquarters is located in New York, does not mean that the United States can take over the UN to attack other States, equally sovereign, stated the Cuban diplomat.

The U.S. has a lot to solve in its own territory dealing with human rights and they should concentrate on that, instead of fabricating events like this, unsderlined the ambassador.

Despite the opposition of organizers of the event, members of Cuba’s diplomatic corps and other Latin American countries like Bolivia and Nicaragua, insisted in participating to denounce the human rights violations committed by the United States.

What did the U.S. offered in Exchange to carry out such an event as this, violating the norms of the multilateral organization?, questioned the Cuban delegation which refused to leave the hall.

Taking into account the U.S. is so worried over human rights in Cuba, when is it going to dismantle the economic, commercial and financial blockade against our country?, mechanism that is a flagrant violation of human rights, asked the permanent alternate representative of the island to the UN, Ana Silvia Rodriguez.

If Washington is so committed to the cause of human rights, why has it not allowed an international investigation on tortures and atrocities committed by its forces in the Guantanamo Naval Base?, she added.

Why don’t they do an event such as this to explain to the international community how are human rights protected in persons detained in Abu Ghraib and in the Guantanamo Naval Base?, she said.

Also Cuban ambassador Humberto Riviera launched questions to organizers of the event that were left unanswered.

How does the U.S. pretend to solve the existence of racial profiles in the institutions in charge of complying with the law? Why do more negroes than whites die by the hand of the police? were some of the questions posed.

The Cuban diplomat questioned why the United States did not design the campaign ‘Jailed for what’ to defend the rights of migrant children jailed as they arrived to the so-called country of liberty: why are those children in prison? he asked.

Initially, the U.S. representation projected that some 200 persons would attend the Ecosoc for the launching of the anti-Cuban campaign ‘Jailed for what’, on the alleged existence of political prisoners in Cuba.

But barely 20 persons responded to this summons and more were the persons who entered the hall to oppose the use of the U.N. with such intentions.

Some panel members, according to most of the world’s legislations, would classify as alien agents or mercenaries and this dishonors the UN, while others protested from their seats, staying in the hall despite the demand that they leave.

Delegations of Bolivia and Nicaragua were present to express their support to Cuba and denounce that the event lacked legitimacy and never should have been allowed in the United Nations.



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