He has a sheet seating on his desk and it’s impossible not to see it.
The paper has been lying there long enough, even the plastic folder that protects it is colorless: “I belong to the side of the impatient, the side of those in a hurry, those who push so things work all right and the side of those who many times try to do more than one can”. The phrase belongs to Fidel, says before beginning the interview Doctor Agustín Lage Dávila, Head of the Center of Molecular Immunology (CMI), of Havana, a man who not only has the impatience, but the example of scientist like Einstein and having an impressive curriculum.
He’s doctor of profession, Biochemistry specialist, with studies on Oncology at Pasteur Institute, of Paris. Since its foundation in 1994, the CMI, center with a thousand of workers and unique results for such poor country: it develops “molecular vaccines”, antibodies engineering, cellular engineering, bioinformatics and regulation of immune response. “Or simply, biotechnology which is using a live cell as a factory to produce things”, he explains.
But we won’t be speaking of this – he promises there will be a second encounter -, but about a fact impossible to avoid these days: the announcement made by the Presidents of Cuba and USA about moving toward there establishment of diplomatic relationships and, in the long run, the normalization of bilateral relationships.
It’s undeniable that new airs of Washington shake the national agenda and there are debates in every domestic sectors, included that of sciences. What can a scientist like Agustín Lage say on this regard?
That is topic to be discussed and here is an excerpt of an hour stolen from his time, in a place always busy like the “emergency room of Calixto García