Guardians of the quality of Habanos

Yamil Aguilera Pombo, quality specialist said that there are ten experts in the factory located in the municipality of Boyeros, Havana, that watch over the compliance of the norms and regulation and checks the raw material that are purchased to the transportation of the concluded product.

The company is currently implementing a series of changes in the procedure to recertify with the NC-ISO 9001/2015 when the audit scheduled for 2016 is concluded, said Aguilera Pombo.

She stressed that the workers are key in controlling the quality because while they work they are verifying the established parameters in their working area and if this is not complied the production is rejected and
measures are taken in favor of correcting the problem.

The department in charge of the task in the Cuban International Tobacco also received that non conformity and demands of the clients which are   taken to the Claims and Quality Committee that systematically measures
the results of all of the company’s areas.

An internal audit is carried out every three months, aimed at checking the compliance of the control norms and regulations and to solve possible problems and opportunities to improve the process. The management quality management is continually improving.

“We began to implement international norms this year referring to  the environmental management systems in addition to the integrated system of  human resources”, said Aguilera Pombo and she said:

“We must prepare for the future, this will improve the quality of the product and guarantee when the market is present.The international  regulations itself applied in Europe demands the best of the products that are currently
commercialized  in that part of the world”.

ICT has its portfolio with 9 brands and 52 references, initially in small format with an inferior weight of three grams: Mini, Club and  Puritos, under the brands of Cohiba, Montecristo, Romeo and Juliet, Partagas, Punch, Quitero and Jose L Piedra.



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