Surely another page in the glorious history of the Greater Antilles will open. It will not lack the eternal notes of courage, altruism and courage. I am enthusiastic about one and I emphasize it in this brief commentary for the greatness and strength of its protagonist, yes, an unforgettable Cuban, ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS), Chancellor of the Dignity, who raised the voice of the island to All his height and drew the right epithet, calling the despot “nausea of America.”
In every scenario which Raúl Roa García always felt as new, he expressed his way of thinking. With the firmness and intrepidity that characterized him, he spoke of Cuba and the revolutions and did well.
I recall today expressions such as these: “The Cuban revolution is not to the right or to the left of anybody, it is at the front, with its own and unmistakable position … Its motto of the enlightened humanist sense is freedom with bread, bread without terror, Public opinion and open-door diplomacy.”
“We do not admit or accept that there is an ineluctable choice between the capitalist solution and the communist solution. There are other ways, and other solutions, of clean democratic texture, and Cuba has already found its own way and the solution of its problems.”
“The role of Cuba in the world is to become who he is, and as I said José Martí, not serve in any case arria of one of the world against each other. In the chess of power politics we will not be docile pawn. It is time that the great powers cease to administer at their discretion the fate of the small nations.”