The people planted a flag, and Cuba won

The Homeland does not fit one more millimeter of pride. Its noble and unredeemed people, proof of its invincible nature, overflows with emotions. As stated by the First Secretary of the Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, Cuba won in the national elections.

The saying goes that there is no Saturday without sun or Sunday without brightness. Well, this spring it was the lights of democracy that Cubans turned on, when times of storms and deficiencies are plaguing the world – stronger in our Island, victim of a cruel blockade –, with a planet that is increasingly unequal, featuring multidimensional crises that fall with greater force on the nations of the South, overwhelmed by the gluttony of the arrogant north.

Cuban men and women, with the historic Sunday of March 26, in which they, in full act of sovereignty, elected their deputies to the National Assembly of People’s Power, not only supported a social project, but also defended, even under the most adverse conditions of hostility of the usual enemy, the continuity of Martí’s and Fidel’s essence of a social work that is humane par excellence.

If in Girón, of April 1961, the battle was for socialism; if in October 1962 ,the Homeland grew stronger for the same ideal; if in the face of the terrorist wave of the 70s we hoisted the same flag; if we responded with the All People’s War against the fascist threats from the Reagan administration, just as we did to Bush’s menace; if in the 1990s we resisted the so-called special period, while the sell-outs rubbed their hands over “the imminent end of the Revolution”… well now ,the feat was to rise, with a resounding triumph, over the objective difficulties and the new doomsayers. As a guideline for what is to come, Díaz-Canel stated: “There is only one way to respond to this vote, which is extraordinary in the current conditions of the nation and the world: and that is to comply with our commitment to the people.” Victory, in Fidel’s words, reads like this: “People mean energy, people mean courage, people mean fighting spirit, people mean intelligence, people mean history.” That same people, turned into National Assembly in its 470 elected deputies, now has the great mission of facing the current economic situation in order to help reverse it, and thereby converting the confidence in last Sunday’s suffrage into the consolidation of  a growing progress. On those who expected abstentions or indifference, and wove dirty hoaxes, the aftermath backfired again. If you translate the numbers of Cuban democracy you will read: nine out of ten Cubans who attended cast a valid ballot; seven out of ten who actually voted did so for all the names on their ballot, and all of the 470 candidates in the country, which is to say absolutely all sectors of our society, without any sort of privilege, were elected deputies. That is why Cuba won.

Author: Granma Daily



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