“Chucho” Cabrera passed away

In the early hours of Sunday, November 13, the National Television Award Winner Jesús Cabrera Acosta, Director of Television and Dr. Honoris Causa of the University of Arts of Cuba, passed away in Havana at the age of 96, where he worked as a teacher for multiple generations of Cuban audiovisual filmmakers. He was director of programs such as Horizontes, Teatro ICR, la Comedia del domingo and  Noticiero Nacional de Televisión. His work, considered a cultural heritage of our nation, includes the legendary series En silencio ha tenido que ser, Julito el pescador, La frontera del deber and Sector 40. They marked a milestone within the Cuban audiovisual production, and at the same time they constitute testimony of the history of the struggle of our anonymous heroes in defense of our Revolution and of their commitment to the people who acclaimed his work.

He was a pioneer of Television in our country and, particularly, founder of Television in Santiago de Cuba, with the creation of the Tele-Rebelde Channel. Later, he inaugurated television in Angola and in Nicaragua. His imprint from the professional view has been his close and sustained link with the Faculty of Art of Audiovisual Communication Media (FAMCA), since its inauguration to the present. In this academic space he served as founding Dean of the then Faculty of Cinema, Radio and Television of the Higher Institute of Art from 1988 to 2000 and his work in the commission that carried out the curricular design of the Faculty.

Likewise, he was consultant to different projects of students and professors, delivered talks and conferences, not only in Cuba, but also in universities in Mexico, Colombia, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.

He was head of the production team for Tras la Huella until his retirement in 2013, although he continued to collaborate with the Film Studies of the Ministry of the Interior during these years.

Likewise, he stood out for his active participation in the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba, an organization of which he was a member.

His extensive and prolific work leaves an everlasting mark on culture, among young generations of artists and in the memory of the Cuban people.

His remains will be cremated and a posthumous tribute will be made, which will be informed in due course. On behalf of Radio and Television, the Ministry of Culture and the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba, extend our deepest condolences to his family, colleagues and friends.

TVC – Traduction: Gilda Gil


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