In adittion, after the triumph of the Revolution she worked in television as announcer and entertainer, she also performed functions of speech and animation CMQ Radio.
Among the programs that had its attractive and professional presence are Con las letras, ICR Theater, Ritmos de Cuba, Ballet Vision and others. Since 1961 was discussed as an actress and began working in various TV and radio cases and things like home, novels, stories, adventures, comedies on Sunday, ICRT Theater…
In 1968 Dinorah was chosen to inaugurate Tele Rebelde in Santiago de Cuba to work as announcer, presenter and actress of this channel.
The same year she worked in the Music Festivals of the Creator as motivator to the year 1975. He also participated in the first International Song Festival in Varadero and Adolfo Guzmán Contests in Cuban Music.
During many years she was the presenter in FAR and MININT festivals likewise several activities of those organizations, among them the Act inn honor to the participants in the Military Parade for the 20th Anniversary of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR). She also recorded some T.Vdocumentaries and she participated in the main activity for the XV Anniversary of INDER.
With the National Federation of Cuban Women worked as a presenter at events and commemorations, including the First and Second Congress of the women’s organization.
Dinorah del Real has been present in the gallery of the Plaza of Revolution by the 1st of May, as well as hosting heads of state.
She was designated as the announcer on the Day of Cuban Television in the GDR, Czechoslovaquia, USSR, Bulgaria, Poland and Mexico.
From 1980 began to carry began to carry out the work of the national news broadcaster Television and Tele Rebelde its companion channel went to channel features host of the channel, including leading journal in the morning.
At the endings of 1985 she had the mission to go to the People’s Republic of Angola in the program La Hora in Spanish.
Her outstanding awards are:
Distinction for the National Culture.
Mahadahonda Distinction of the National Association of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC).
Distinction 23 de Agosto of the Cuban Women Federation.
Raul Gómez García Distinction for 25 years of work in artistic sector.
Medal of International Worker in the People’s Republic of Angola.
Distinction 28 de Septiembre of Defense Committees of the Revolution.