Radio 26, in the heart of Matanzas

Recognized as the only station acquired by the July 26 Movement, the group of this station house celebrates the anniversary with a commitment to create more depending on the needs of its audience.

Odalys Miranda Suarez, director of Radio 26, told the Portal of the Cuban Radio that currently works to increase feedback from audiences and exploit the benefits of investigative journalism.

“We have a working group of over 100 people, where talent are integrated, and the new ideas of young filmmakers and journalists arriving at Provincial Radio System,” he said.

According to Suarez, , the station ends year 2014 reorganizing their production routines, and satisfaction surveys involving the International Broadcasting Convention Cuba 2014, journalism contest July 26 and the IX Miguel Angel Torre National Meeting.

To celebrate 55 years of existence of Radio 26, throughout the month of December there have been a group of activities, such as broadcasters featured tributes to the territory and meetings with alumni career in journalism.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday 23, there will be a central activity for the anniversary of the station, which in time will become conducive to recognize filmmakers, artists and journalists with extensive experience in the media, was performed.

Radio 26 broadcasts 24 hours 26 by 1320 and 1060 KHz AM and 97.3 and 104. 3 KHz of F. M, and is available online at the website as well as in social networks Twitter and Facebook profiles.

Among the highest rated programs of the radial station are El Familion,En la Radio, Tiempo A, and the news program De primera mano.

Radio 26 is the provincial station and subordinates municipal stations Radio Llanura de Colón, Radio Ciudad Bandera, en Cárdenas, Radio Victoria de Girón, en Jagüey Grande y La Voz de la Victoria, en la Ciénaga de Zapata and Radio Varadero, so called “Playa Azul” of Cuba.

Translated by: Daysi Olano Fernandez



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