The jury, composed by maestros Santiago Alfonso, Lizt Alfonso and Susana Pous, highlighted the cleanliness of their executions, care in the details of the interpretation and a remarkable empathy as the elements that earned them the win.
As grand prize they received a scholarship at a music and shows academy in Milan, Italy.
It was also known that the awards to the popularity went to couple number twelve, made up by Angela and Duvel, and to Havana Compas Dance Company.
Bailando en Cuba is the latest proposal of RTV Comercial, Radio and TV Marketing Company, and like its predecessor, Sonando en Cuba, has successfully brought back to life TV shows in Cuba.
With an exceptional work from a logistical, photographic and artistic point of view, the program mixed professional and amateur dancers, who defended for 10 weeks genres such as conga, cha cha, son, rumba, casino, among others popular expressions.