Modesto Ronquillo: Journalism Sharpened My Research Skills

“In my municipality, I have won the first prize year after year; in the province I have ten first places; and nationally I have won first place three times, second and third once each, and two honorable mentions.

“But I recognize that my volunteer status as a Radio 26 newspaper correspondent and radio 26, for many years, and the tools that I learned to interview, survey, information and get to the essence of things have been very useful in the studies I’ve done about the origins of sugarcane and sugar production, trade union structures, land use, industry characteristics and other issues related to the Elia sugar mill, now called Colombia. “

Among the people Modesto has written about are Jesus Menendez, a martyr who represented sugar industry workers; and Lázaro Peña, distinguished figure of the Cuban trade union movement.

Modesto Ronquillo works as a document manager at the Colombia sugar company. He loves the pleasure of “being well informed about everything that happens in Cuba and the world, thanks to the work of our press.”

Translated by: Daysi Olano



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