A book for the future generations

This was the dedication of José Martí monthly magazine that pleasure and instruction published in New York between July and October 1889, of which only four numbers that were left for posterity.

Marti gave love to work with that has a universal message. In his stories, poems, verses and articles instilled his strong anti-colonialist ideology, love of the great Latin American homeland, the devotion to justice, truth and beauty.

In 1905, ten years after Marti in Dos Rios fell fighting for the freedom of Cuba, Gonzalo de Quesada-student of his, met the four issues of the magazine and they made the book The Golden Age, which is now found in every school, in bookstores and libraries, the searching and longing every Cuban child, every small or small who goes south from the Rio Grande to Patagonia.

The Golden Age is definitely a book that captivates all ages. Thus grew up with tales of the Three heroes, Meñique, The two princes, Naughty Nene, The Enchanted Shrimp, Black doll t or The two nightingales. What to say of the poem The shoes are pink. They are legacies we receive from small and serve us for a lifetime.

Saying Salvador Arias Dr. Jose Garcia, specialist at Jose Marti Studies Center, the sustainability of this book, which features prominently in the Cuban-letters, is given first because “Martí wanted to make this work for the future; he thought, in their cultural and revolutionary project, talking to children, convince, convey ideas, and would ensure the future. For many of the issues addressed have a tremendous effect. “

All who want to be good men, should read it; and we have a responsibility to educate the duty to explain, just so we of The Golden Age best friend, and their guide pages to make us men and women of good, because it was not just a project for children, but men’s future.

Translated by: Daysi Olano



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