Maria Leisa Olivera Hernández

The first program she worked as radio announcer was ´´Hacia la media noche, she was also its scriptwriter and director worked for 30 years. It was tested as an announcer, entertainer, storyteller, and writer, director, ventured into the theater and in the direction of entertainment. The biggest challenges in performance could be the interpretation of the Doña Bárbara de Rómulo Gallegos, and Natasha from “humiliated and offended” by Dostoievsky, or the Mother of “Bodas de Sangre” by Elizabeth or the “Witches of Salem´´. The joy is not exempt from liability, it felt the child, making the Huck of Huckeberryfin “in trouble with Tom Sawyer, or delve into the beard of the old man Jotabich, or going to look for his poor Gepeto the belly of the whale because Pinocchio wanted to be a good child, or child waking up to the gray with a newspaper called the “scarf blue with Lupita’s voice embodies the pioneering Cuban or narrating” Robin Hood, “” Oliver Twist “,” Don travels the world story, “and many others.  The taste and pleasure of the confrontation was with the public at venues such as “Music and Joy” in the field of speech was nothing else and that’s why I worked as announcer in music programs, in magazines, on the CMHA (Onda Musical), and the CMHW. Involved in the animation and narration, but felt a special interest in the news, so it is not merely news but as an announcer and director founded the information stellar “Patria” in the difficult years of the Special Period, the January 28 of l992, at 6 am, all in vivo. “Homeland” at that time won many awards, including placing first hearing in a row in national surveys, and the Award in April that gives Editora Abril (UJC) The award to broadcast live the culmination of a pedraplén in Caibarién – Cayo Santamaria, the privilege of transmitting from the room where Martí library received the remains of Che and his vanguard detachment of the convening of the people for the massive merger with Fidel 30th September l996.

She completed undergraduate studies in Philology at the Central University. She also served as President of the Performing Arts branch of the UNEAC, which was founded in Villa Clara. He was also Vice President and delegated to the IV Provincial Congress.

In 1985 she founded the accounting Telecubanacán and its transmission, as announcer, in a move to the Journal of the Morning, which was received in Havana by the announcers and Mireya Guardado Fernando Latorre. He continued working in television, doing interviews, like announcer at live programs, in newscasts, broadcasting to the Morning Journal of Film and Live, and Contact.

In 1989 María Leisa meet international mission in the People’s Republic of Angola. In addition to National Radio, he worked as a professor at the National Radio Luanda, providing courses for students 3 Angolans. During these 18 months along with the term, wrote and directed the program of the Spanish National Radio and also worked for Cuba sending reports, interviews and special programs made with Cuban ·Internationalist .. This rewarding and challenging time his voice was recorded in the Cuban film “Caravan” on the radio when a truck was heard the presentation theme of “The Time in Spanish.” He received the Medal of Distinction and internationalist Majadahonda, the Distinction of the Production and Defense and the Diploma of Merit from the National Radio of Angola.

In l998 he served as Provincial Director of Radio, but was separated from his artwork. Had the privilege of being the announcer during the visits of our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro to Villa Clara in acts of Caibarién and Santa Clara in 1996 and then in the Open Forums in Santa Clara, Sagua, and Caibarién and served as declaim in the act of July 26 national 2000 in Villa Clara.

On December 2000 it jumped to the capital. With great expectation began to replace Radio By Arleen Rodriguez Derivet. Olivera shared microphone Roberto Tan, the “voice of the news” and who is replaced after his retirement. Radio Rebelde worked also in the National Radio newscast alongside César Arredondo Franco Coal and came to the Cultural Review “So where led by six months the work of the mobile reporter for this program. Radio Rebelde also wrote the historic “dialogue,”. Radio Taino addressed in the Journal News “Early” and the “Speaking of Cuba for over a year. Then he joined the Agency Act, and conducted both performances on Radio Progreso and Radio Arte, participated in the dubbing for television 2003 to 2007 dramatized, documentaries and shorts for children 4 years and was the voice of the television program “Window to the Future” where opportunities were driving in front of the camera. Is the host of “Our José Martí, who wrote and directed in July Batista for Radio Progreso. Along with the voice acting and the continued leadership and shared a scene with actors the likes of Aurora Basnuevo, Mario Limonta, Diana Rosa Suarez, Marta Velazco, Ramoncito Hernandez, Juan Julio Alfonso, the missing “Cholito” because since 2004 plays “Chiqui” in “Joys stand.

All the awards Maria Leisa had received, she felt special affection for all Villa Clara people and the Distinction for the Cuban Culture of the Villa and “Distinction for the Cuban Culture,” which was granted in l999 at José Martí Memorial.


March 3rd, 1954 Placetas, Villa Clara




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