Che Guevara, a revolutionary of all times

The Argentine-Cuban, Bolivian-Argentine-Cuban, is reborn every day to ratify that his spirit lives in time, in the heart of the boy who proudly raises her voice and says I want to be like Che !, compatriot appearing in the pages of history, that young people today revive which helps them grow a lot, the same which is not forgotten by those responsible for transmitting to new generations the stories and legends about the first who spoke in Cuba to forge the new man.

Che is a symbol of ethics of the twentieth century, bearer of enormous creative possibilities, he knew to be a Commander, guerrilla fighter, internationalist, jovial, friendly, straight, many categorized him as the most difficult of those interviewed, he taught not only to fight, also to play chess, sports discipline which he perfectly dominated. They say that in his mountain and invasive backpack pawns, towers, knights, bishops, the queen and king never lacked. Along with Fidel, from the revolutionary triumph in ‘1959’ he became a genuine driver of the science game.

His millennial dream of brotherhood, equality and shared prosperity, 49 years after his physical disappearance, revives with truly universal reach. Argentina’s Che, Che from Cuba, Latin America and the world, is the synthesis of a man of action and thought, enemy of dogma and patterns, he rides and distributes new breaths, the same ones that solidify the wealth of the socialist ideal that immortalized him.


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