Radio in Cuba: vital and rebellious on its 98th anniversary

The Director-General of Cuban Radio Onelio Castillo Corderí sent a congratulatory message to the more than 5,000 workers of the media in the country, which is reproduced below: 

Dear radio workers:  

Since March 11, 2020, Cuba has been engaged in a tenacious fight for life in the face of a pandemic that stubbornly seeks to cut off the human species’ air. 

The nation, united and embraced to the coat of arms of many challenges, has multiplied solidarity, energy, knowledge, and heroism to face the COVID-19. In a commitment of millions led by the Party, the Government, and the Public Health workers, as always, Cuban Radio has participated with its humbleness, perseverance, and honor. 

Today, on the 98th anniversary of the founding moment of our communication network, I congratulate you for having shared for more than five months the feat of an entire country in defense of its people, a period in which there has been an encouraging renewal in the construction of a radio discourse, with more dynamic, daring, modern and participatory guidelines.    

Only two years separate us from the celebration of the centennial of Cuban Radio. That route until August 22, 2022, inspires and generates new commitments so that the signal that you put on the air every day remains there, vital and rebellious.

Translater: Jorge Ruiz Miyares


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