There is much to talk about WiFi

The initiative is part of a state program of public access to the web that should even be expanded in the coming months. Since the first of this month, prices for access time decreased from 4.50 to 2.00 CUC or 50 pesos in CUP.Esta is reality. Now, also, assault questions. Is the connection good- quickly? Is the price affordable? Are sufficient space? What are the main pages through which users navigate? On this and other questions, a team of the Portal of the Cuban Radio went on the central avenue of the ramp, where there are few people connected, in eagerness to receive opinions and reach conclusions.

“I certainly spent a little work to connect the first time I tried to access my account from Nauta to the Internet, mainly by the lack of applications mobile- which is where I connectors and then a little lack of practice in the Navigation on this device. This is the second time that connects achievement and now I could make your time in finding what interests me, “said Alberto Diaz Guzman, a university student who at this stage of summer has come several times to the ramp to connect.

“We are here because we want to prove this to the Internet by telephone and incidentally spoke to our family living in Spain”, expressed Leidys and Dunia Hernandez cousins who live in La Vibora in the municipality of 10 de Octubre, they arrived to preserve capital to connect.

“I came with my daughter because, although I belong to a generation that calls himself” non-computerized “, have always liked these issues and wanted to know what was the Internet and some of its advantages, because obviously my daughter who is a university student, always He talked about it every day and came home with a different story about the searches made on the internet from the university and visiting sites; so today I decided to come and get to know a little about this great world. So far almost everything leaves me surprised and obviously wanted to continue much longer attached to the phone, but hey, the cost is a bit expensive one for each afford them so close together, “said Rafael Villalobos user.

“Certainly as any Cuban who lives on his salary, the price of access to the network remains high, but in my case, for example, 2 CUC was able to make a video call and be one hours talking and watching live family that I have in the United States; The program I used was not Skype because you can not, but I have an application that I talk on my phone. In this sense I think it is more beneficial because a normal call comes more expensive, “said Yordan Gutierrez self-employed.

“In my opinion, ETECSA is the Cuban utility that has advanced in recent years, with steps still have to improve a lot, but that will not stop progress to become users. Right now we all complain of the cost of the time, but I’ve met people who are reasonable, considering it is only an attempt and should improve in the future, because there is much that began to 4.50 CUC ago and soon This time it has fallen. In my case, I take enough time, also because the connection is very good compared to other places “meant Daniela Orozco, a university student.

“I had already had the experience to connect from my Tablet or tableta- networks of national navigation located on the outskirts of some Joven Club, for example, always off my work it is about the Park Central, picked Network Computer Palace and visited pages,,,,, and many more where the national debate is encouraged. Now, this alternative Internet access, seems a good attempt to bring Cubans users the Net, just, among others, we must expand the spaces that have this service, “argued José Antonio Luaces, the while he is showing us pages preferred visit.

Social networks undoubtedly stand out as the most visited by users spaces, as all respondents reported that when connected, the first thing they review their accounts on Facebook are and some are created to begin in this world.

“Facebook allows me to chat with my friends, with my family, I may hear about events concerning the world of music, artists, and different events that occur worldwide for the pages you’ve given me love and I They get their news. I do not know yet the advantages of Twitter, but while you can still access the Internet, probably will know their benefits and I can use it as a good communication tool, “noted Medina Danay Laza.

One of the main concerns of some users are not referring only to the cost of the service or connection speed, as well as questions come to light as the Ismari Perdomo, who asked goal necessary to “take into account that measures should be taken for marketing in the country of the necessary technical supports with potential for those who live to a national average wage rates. “

Issues such as access to the place of purchase navigation cards also remain unresolved, as several users reported that the queuing delay is detrimental to the benefit of access to the network, for example in the shopping center located in the Focsa building, where several services are provided at the same time.

A step, a small step … and much work to be done. This is just the beginning, then serve as an incentive to go ahead and continue, hopefully more gigantic than short steps, advances in the world of communication and the Internet.

Translated by: Daysi Olano Fernandez


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