Cuban specialists in Angola inaugurated medical radiology

In his beginning of the seminar, Masseca praised Cuban program installation audiology at the health center, which operates as a national benchmark, and said that the service will have “priority children.”

He said that will also be attended combatants and veterans of the motherland, who in a moment of national history did not hesitate to fight for independence on November 11 turned 40 years proclaimed.

Masseca thanked Cuba for this endeavor and called for the training of professionals and technicians Angolans to take the valuable technology.

At the start of the conference, the Cuban microbiologist Yainelis Garrido Neuronic company reported an effective platform for the industrialization and commercialization of scientific-technological advanced medical results.

As part of the Scientific Center of Havana, Neuronic is an organization whose fundamental premise market products derived from the research activity and development of Neuroscience Center of Cuba.

While the lawyer Francis Fuentes spoke about Neuronic Audiology as first commercial system available in the market, with the technique of the AEP Steady State (ASSR).

Such a system is a computerized electroaudiómetro for a comprehensive hearing screening and incorporates novel technique based on electrophysiological recording ASSR.

This technique allows for a detailed exploration audiometric frequency and objectively, and displays the results in the form of a conventional audiogram.

At the end of the exhibition, some patients who received treatment and hearing aids Neuronic presented.

The hospital’s director, Leonardo Inocencio , praised the course given and installation of audiology Cuban program “that will allow many Angolans returning from the world of silence”.

Translated by: Daysi Olano Fernandez


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