Special Edition of ORBE Magazine in Mexico

Meanwhile, Mexican Labour Party (PT) headed an article signed by all the members of their National Coordinating Office with the title “We Celebrate the 90 Years oif Life of a Universal Giant”, calling Fidel Castro as “the greatest statesman of the 20th Century, leader of the proletariat revolution in the world, a builder of utopias.”

The Mexican Electricians Trade Union also sent a congraulation message to Fidel Castro for his 90th birthday. The special edition also shows about the inauguration of a photo exhibit called “Fidel, 90 Years” at the Univerisity of Sor Juana, with the participation of Prensa Latina and Notimex.

Orbe is a magazine by Prensa Latina (Cuba) and is being inserted in the pages of Mexican newspaper La Jornada.


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