Cuba’s President stands out May 1st celebration on networks

Imagination, creativity and joy of Cubans is infinite, pointed out the head of State on Twitter, where he stated that neither the Covid-19 nor any dark force will be able to overshadow such commemoration.
In conditions of social isolation we will know how to celebrate May 1st from our homes, he said, and placed the labels #MyHomeIsMySquare, #WeAreCuba and #WeAreContinuity.
Last Friday, Cuban Trade Union (CTC) called for celebrating the International Workers’ Day from homes, through different initiatives on the Internet and social networks.
According to the CTC Trade Union Secretary General Ulises Guilarte, on this occasion the celebration will recognize the work of healthcare personnel and in particular the members of the 23 Cuban medical brigades that are fighting against the SARS-CoV-2 virus abroad, causing Covid-19.


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