Cuban Radio: powerful crisis-proof

The radio sector, again, is showing its worth as a means of mobilization, because we will always be there, at that point on the dial, making the audience fall in love, to share joys, inform and above all, enhance the work of our country in favor of life, which is at the same time a reflection of the Cuban identity.

The vitality and unity of Cuban Radio with its 100 stations stands as a powerful crisis-proof system, a distinctive element of a previous stage in the history of the medium, which takes on a special dimension in the confrontation with Covid-19.

During the broadcasting of the Round Table TV program that took place last June 25, 2020, the Director General of the Cuban Radio, Onelio Castillo Corderi, explained in a very precise way the strategy of the radio in the island to confront the new virus Sars-Cov-2, therefore, creative efforts and actions were mobilized to deal with such a complex issue in both informative and varied programs.

Cuban radio work is distinguished not only by its historical content of identity and always in defense of just and noble ideas, but it is a sign that this magical sound is present in every moment of the nation.

Previous experiences, with emphasis on the great coverage of the impact and subsequent recovery of the country from Hurricane Irma, meant maturity and consolidation of the radio message, to give an effective and forceful response to a very complex communication scenario, marked by the hegemony of social networks and the fierce ideological, economic, commercial and financial war directed against Cuba by the United States government.

Cuban Radio in times of pandemic enriches its spaces of creation and disseminating of the message to its audiences. The cyber audience is also added, a new challenge that it assumes in these times where it ponders the use of digital platforms to cover information beyond our borders.

Excels in this endeavor, in addition to the hundreds of proposals in each radio program in the country, an informative program that Radio Rebelde transmits as the parent plant; Todos Por Cuba (All for Cuba), an effective and direct communicative proposal, designed to interact with all the people, inform, suggest, educate, mobilize, and spread the message with the transmission in real-time through the social network Facebook of the station of the Revolution.

It is in Todos por Cuba, where the population approaches, through select life stories, to attractive products that carry implicit optimism, hope and the certainty of the final victory against the pandemic. The entire radio system of the country participates in this program, with its best proposals and the contribution of materials related to the confrontation with Covid-19 and the efforts of the State, government, municipal governments, health personnel, scientists and of a whole people facing and united against the same enemy.

The radio is present with its creators in this epidemiological moment of the nation.

Again it accompanies, renews, and modernizes itself in its forms and ways of offering messages, from working at home. The radio, in times of Covid-19, constitutes the effective means to guide towards a promising and sovereign future.

Tomorrow, when it is no longer the time to use the masks, we will have enough memory to confirm that in the battle of Cuba, the Radio was present with its sonorous guerrilla.

Translated by Lorenzo Raúl Alonso López


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