The political ingenuity a polemical issue

Here also were those who echoed him and even traveled to Miami to you reassure his unconditional at all costs, or rather at all costs, knowing how much money is at stake if the business goes belly of the counter.

Very clear and unchanging is the position of Cuba they cannot talk about normalizing relations persist while blocking, US interference in the internal affairs of Cuba and the Cuban Adjustment Act.

Nor while continued funding and organizing subversive plans which use as laborers or salaried agents called factions, without forgetting the media and cultural war, social networks seditious under the name ZunZuneo or similar cutting programs as “Young travelers” especially for this segment of the Cuban population.

Even from Florida are the dreamers seeking to dismantle the country’s history, idealize longingly and demand the return of Cuba to those years “splendor” that lived, nothing more and nothing less, than during the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista.

The worst part is that there are those who believe and argue with facts and figures. Only when you ask them what-or how-lived unemployed workers, landless peasants and teachers without classroom, or if the poor could enjoy the same rights of the rich… then start to skid.

We cannot say we are approaching a complex stage, in reality we are living, so there should be no room for political naivety or in the middle of this popular joy at having already among us to the three anti-terrorist heroes remaining imprisoned and because the governments of Cuba and the United States agreed to normalize diplomatic relations, think also cease the ideological war against the Caribbean nation.

As pointed out by the essayist and journalist Enrique Ubieta Gomez, director of The Mean Street, “the enemy of Cuba we are building is capitalism, and in a particular historical sense, imperialism”.

Stresses that we could understand how subversion should be analyzed from two perspectives: first it goes unnoticed, and that is the process of reproduction of values of the system itself calls for cultural industries, by placing as social heroes millionaires (businessmen, princes rich artists, etc); and a second consisting of a “planned intervention”, for which millions of dollars are spent, especially in the interests of overthrowing an opposite system already established as ours, in a particular country.

And in that sense, in his article La cultura del ser, para ganar la guerra cultural r, published in Juventud Rebelde last January 14, Ubieta refers to scholarships, the introduction of suspicions, disappointments, divisions, programs that radicalizes  “because capitalism sells images, illusions, but never explanations eludes works comfortably with functional illiteracy…”

For being vital in the formation of values, the history of Cuba should be taught to children and youth with methods that encourage an interest in this subject, to investigate and further, in order to understand why each circumstance.

Who can deny that the rule has ended plans as ZunZuneo or young travelers. It has changed the names, methods (increasingly subtle), in short, will have changed tactics but no strategy or intention to one day attend the overthrow of the Revolution. The political naivety paid dearly, and in world history can spare the axis.

Translated by: Daysi Olano Fernandez


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