May 25: International Africa Day

A little more than half a century, the Pan-African dream remains a dream. The reasons for this lie in the unequal underdevelopment exported there for the old European powers to their former colonies, the transnational capitalist penetration and inequality imposed within each ethnic group and nation. For centuries Africa was the source of raw materials and slave labor. Never any people – Saharan – suffered both human and emotional tear as a lien over, inhuman and cruel, as already too much supported by the colonial and neocolonial presence.

Paradoxically admit that the richest continent in the world is also the most poor and afflicted. With the wealth that was seized palaces and skyscrapers were built; few wealthy families overflowed its coffers, and on top of that national Africans were discriminated against in their own land like no one had ever been.

Culturally the world owes much to Africa. In the basin of the Tigris and Euphrates lies the beginning of human history. From there the Homo sapiens spread across the world, reproducing and diversify. Africa is the cradle of the three great monotheistic religions, and unconscionably large interests of international capital they use to face each other people.

If centuries ago Africa was the main source of slave labor and raw materials, today the northern region is the main victim of induced to maintain the internal division and make it easier for foreign penetration discord.

After the end of World War II, and with the weakening of the old colonial powers of Europe, national liberation movements that put paid to many colonial status in both the northern and southern parts of the continent they were developed. In some cases cut progressive governments emerged; in others a yoke was replaced by a more subtle, but no less implacable.

In the decade of the 70s of the twentieth century countries such as Angola and Ethiopia defeated – colonialism one, the traitorous imperial subjugation other – and with the Cuban internationalist presence helped to consolidation; with a high share of sacrifice the independence of Namibia and Zimbabwe was reached, and finally did away with the ominous tax apartheid state in South Africa.

Despite many advances in national sovereignty, the African continent has a long way to go, now that it is independent; ethnic and cultural differences need to become factors of unity, rather than bones of contention. It is a difficult path, but possible. It may seem that the more difficult, more urgent and necessary it is that African unity materialize their diversity, not seen as a contradiction but as wealth that everyone should appreciate, first Africans themselves.

As before in the difficult times during the struggle for national liberation, when Algerian Cuban blood fertilized land, Congolese, Angolan, Ethiopian and other nations, now peace Cuban internationalism is ready and attentive, with a helping hand extended to the support in the development of health, education, sports and many areas of economic and cultural cooperation.

On May 25, International Day of Africa, thought-provoking as all people of the world recognize that our cultural identity and our blood are carriers of a significant African component, wisdom and sense of justice prevent ignore. The celebration is for everyone; commitment, too. Somehow Africa and we are all indebted to it.

Translated by: Daysi Olano Fernandez




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