Venezuela a new change

Another run by the opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD), which projects at Analyst say the South American nation Basem Tajeldine “a triumphalism stance trying to demobilize the basis of Chavez, discrediting state institutions, their leaders relate to drug trafficking, through a diplomatic war, mercenary, media and economic”.

The right to appeal to potential voters popularized the slogan “Venezuela wants to change,” which support with wedges propaganda relating to insecurity, the financial crisis and the devaluation of the currency, the bolivar. A campaign of hatred and fear that emits a manipulated speech, of half-truths.

“Historically they have argued that they have won the elections and that the government stole the win. That explains that seen in 2013 when the loser of the right to download Henrique Capriles in the streets discontent candidate’s defeat, “said Tajeldine.

A people aware

Next December 6, 19 million voters will have the opportunity to select the 167 members of the National Assembly and thus decide the political future of the country in the next five years.

This election day was preceded by conducting mock election, house to house visits and the promotion of a strategy called 1 x 10 which has to date mobilized more than 5.3 million people, in support of Chavez candidacy.

“The people have the consciousness of power today, and are unwilling to give up. As we touch the doors, we marches, rallies, caravans, paste posters; right candidates seeking ways of increasing shortages, promote actions to generate shock and demoralization. Against that truth will triumph, the morale of a people who are determined to be free, “said the candidate for deputy in the Venezuelan state of Miranda in the Great Patriotic Pole, Elias Jaua.

The process, which many have defined as a festival, intended to be tainted with old recipes applied in previous similar events.

The government has denounced the plans of the right-wing politicians to commit crimes in order to create confusion and point to the government as responsible for the facts.

Moreover, recent unveilings of Edward Snowden, a former contractor of Homeland Security United States, Washington discovered spying for the Bolivarian oil company PDVSA.

According to the journalist Eva Golinger, the country seeks to regain hegemony over the continent and natural resources. This way more difficult to travel with a cabinet left in Caracas.

6D is at stake the social landscape of the country from the existence of two different models. While in economic restructuring and renewal of speech are imposed, the polls expect a people committed to the continuation of a process that restored justice.


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