Venezuela Back to Normal after Historic Political Event

‘Peace is the winner, we have overcome the hatred and the fascist coup,’ wrote the head of state on his Twitter account shortly after reviewing the results of the demonstration in Bolívar Avenue in Caracas.

Yesterday, the country lived in expectation of the results of two massive demonstrations in the capital, from government sympathizers and the right wing, who had different goals and objectives.

Although the National Electoral Council (CNE) stated that they would not activate a recall referendum against Maduro in 2016, as the required legal deadlines has not been met, the opposition called for a march this September 1st, to demand its implementation before the end of the year.

The coalition Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD, in Spanish) can only start collecting the 20 percent of the signatures required to establish the referendum, in the last week of October, which if approved would be implemented in 2017.

In response, thousands of MUD supports gathered in a protest, which ended in violent clashes in eastern Caracas; radical groups also attacked and injured members of the Bolivarian National Police.

Maduro has reiterated his call to establish dialogue with all opposition forces on strategies for economic development and political and social stability.


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