Theoretical Event Developed in Olorum Festival

The aesthetics line of the filmmaker, first film director of the Cuban Institute of Art and Cinema Industry (ICAIC) was one of the aspects exposed by the intellectual from Camaguey.

Garcia Yero referred to the way in which the filmmaker handled the social issues of the 1960’s in her documentaries like discrimination, machismo, marginalization and racial prejudice reflecting her concerns and support of the social project, initiated by the Cuban Revolution.

During the event, several investigations were presented on the music-dance expressions of the traditional popular culture, which are heritage of Cuban nation.

She cited, among them, an experience with the Vocal Desandann Cultural Project that has defended in Camaguey –from its music- the Haitian roots in Cuban culture for over 20 years.

Regarding this issue, she mentioned another conference on the also Haitian groups Caidije and Bonito Patua in the province and they spoke on the traditions and festivities in the 19th and 20th centuries as a reflection of the cultural musical identity.

Researchers from several provinces are exchanging until April 23 rd, date in which the Olorum Festival will come to an end, among them the 2015 National Dance Awards and the 2017 Silvina Fabars and Manolo Micler awards respectively.

The Avellaneda and Principal Theaters will share the stage and several other open spaces in plazas and parks in this edition of the Olorum Festival, with the National Folkloric Troupe and groups from the University of Arts and National Dance School, in addition to the Babul Folkloric Ballet in Guantananmo.

The Endedans Contemporary Ballet, Rumbata group, the Arlequin Children´s Artistic Company, and the Bonito Patua Group will also participate.

This year´s Olorum Festival is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the National Folkloric Company and the artistic education in Cuba and the half a century Ballet of Camaguey.




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